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Jumlah alumni PSSTM Universitas Andalas tahun 2020 s/d 2023 sebanyak 466 alumni dan sebanyak 397 alumni yang terlacak melalui Pelaksanaan Tracer Study Universitas Andalas Tahun 2024. Sebanyak 397 alumni terlacak tersebut telah mengisi kuisioner yang disebarkan melalui :
Berdasarkan hasil Tracer Study didapatkan gambaran kondisi Lulusan Program Sarjana Teknik Mesin berdasarkan beberapa kriteria sebagai berikut;
1. Waktu Tunggu Lulusan

2. Kesesuaian Pekerjaan dengan Bidang Ilmu

3. Jenis Tempat Bekerja

4. Pendapatan Awal Lulusan

“The boarders at Whittle really are a family away from family. There are always exciting conversations to have. I am very glad I chose Whittle — there is nothing about the community.”
"I’ve lived in the same town in the same place for all my life, so leaving my family and home and living with strangers seemed terrifying and impossible. But my incredibly supportive friends and community here have made my time away from home so fun and happy that I look forward to every time I come back.”
“The boarders at Whittle really are a family away from family. There are always exciting conversations to have. I am very glad I chose Whittle — there is nothing about the community.”
"I’ve lived in the same town in the same place for all my life, so leaving my family and home and living with strangers seemed terrifying and impossible. But my incredibly supportive friends and community here have made my time away from home so fun and happy that I look forward to every time I come back.”
“The boarders at Whittle really are a family away from family. There are always exciting conversations to have. I am very glad I chose Whittle — there is nothing about the community.”